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Burpsuite install and crack in kali debian ubuntu


Cracking burpsuite in kali: (This is not shared link. Log in to ovi.it88 gmail id and then click on the link)

Follow step by step procedure......

Download the tool from the above link.

Place the tool in /tmp folder or in any folder where you have permission in kali. The tool is under this folder burpsuite_pro_v2024.5 for linux.

Go to that /tmp/burpsuite_pro_v2024.5 for linux folder

Open command prompt meaning terminal there and run this command:

java -jar burploader.jar

A pop-up window will appear. Another pop up window called license agreement will appear. Uncheck the condition and click I Accept.

From the loader window, copy the License key and click on Run. Now you have two window.

Paste that on the Enter license key window and click Next. 

Check the "Use proxy server to connect" and click on Manual activation

Now click Copy request under Manual Activation window. 

Paste it on the loader window under Activation Request. You will get Activation Response. Copy that. 

Now again come back to the Manual Activation window and paste that under Paste response section. Click Next. 

You will get activation successful message. Click Finish.

Now time to configure it.

Open burpsuite application using this command java -jar burploader.jar and click on just Run.

Using Firefox:

Open firefox, then click settings. From the search box, type proxy. Under Network Settings click Settings. Under this Manual proxy configuration section, type and port 8080

Also check this box------->Also use this proxy for HTTPS

Using FoxyProxy addons:

Install the addons. Click the addons and go to Options. Go to Proxies tab and click on Add. On the Hostname section type and Port 8080. Then click save. Enable proxy now. 

Now open another tab and type https://burp

Now the page may tell you, you need to accept the certificate, click allow and permanently store this exception. Now download CA Certificate called cacert.der 

Now from firefox settings, go to Privacy & Security, search for Certificates > View Certificates... > Import to import the certificate. Check both the check boxes. 

Now when you need to intercept something, just click on foxyproxy to enable it. Then go to burp, Proxy > Http history for the intercepted url's. 



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