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icacls.exe windows file and directory permissions modification


Image: C:\Windows\system32\icacls.exe



icacls C:\Windows\System32\config\sam  


C:\Users\Avi\Desktop>cacls TestCACLS /p Users:n (n for no control)

now on the  TestCACLS folder, no one can access. 

C:\Users\Avi\Desktop>cacls TestCACLS /p Users:f (f for full control)

now can access.




Check Permissions
Force Remove
THen add Read + Execute
Validate Permissions

icacls putty.exe
icacls putty.exe /deny tsa_admin:(F)
icacls putty.exe /grant:r tsa_admin:(RX)
icacls putty.exe 



icacls "%WINDIR%\system32\msimg64.dll" /grant administrators:F 



windows security log events (event id 4670) are created when DACLs are modified. 



Inheritance rights are represented by the following abbreviations:

OI object inherit 

CI container inherit

IO inherit only

NP do not propagate inherit

NTFS permissions are represented by one of the following forms:

N no access

F full access

M modify access

R read only access

RX read and execute access

W write access

D delete access

attacker can interact with the DACLs using built-in windows commands such as, icacls, cacls, takedown, attrib which allow adversaries higher permissions on


icacls <file_name> /reset        replace acls with default inherited acls. (reset permission)




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