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Download this one. 

chmod +x kerbrute_linux_amd64

./kerbrute_linux_amd64 userenum --dc -d blackfield.local -o valid_users.out allusers.lst

This tool will give you list of users from allusers.lst those are a part of blackfield.local domain. allusers.lst is having some usernames in it. using kerbrute tool we will compare the usernames with AD so that we can know how many valid usernames are there in AD. 

we can also bruteforce to find out users password:

alert: before running this bruteforce command please go through the github page. because if lockout policy and siem tool there then you may get caught. but it is not gonna generate event code 4624, its gonna create a kerberos failure thing which by default not logged. so its a good way to brute force account with potentially just not being seen. 

root@kali:~# ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 bruteuser -d passwords.lst thoffman

thoffman is the username. 



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