1. First install the JavaSetup8u431 file (The files are stored in my ovi.it88 drive, under port swigger folder) . 2. Then install jdk-23_windows-x64_bin file. 3. Now open the lostsec.jar file. 4. Change the License Text to your name i.e. licensed to Avi. 5. Now copy the left side License key and click on Run. A pop up will open. Paste the license key there and click Next. 6. Check the box use proxy to connect and click on manual activation. 7. Now click on copy request. 8. Paste it on the Activation Request section on the lostsec.jar window. 9. Then copy the Activation Response from there. 10. Paste it to the Manual Activation window. Then click Next and Finish. You will see success message. 11. Now a pop up window will appear, Delete it. Click Next, Click Start Burp. 12. Next time you just need to click on lostsec.jar file. Then click Run. Then burp will automatically open. Now time to configure it. Open burpsuite application...